Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Favorite Movies

          Certain movies have always interested me. There has to be a realization that cinema usually flubs two things:History and really good novels.The first is flubbed because being both a visual media and a dramatic one,film needs the sight and excitement which the daily fabric of history eludes.Things just take too long in real time to unfold! And they rarely have a neat ending.There are exceptions,but they are rare! As for novels...usually what is lost is what's happening on the inside,the interior motives;the thoughts and things whixch take pages sometimes to relate to the reader.The writer and the reader have the luxury of time which the director and the viewer either do not have or do not want to spend.
     So,historical events get compacted,simplified and (which I find unforgiveable)have extraneous characters thrown in out of the screenwriter's imagination.
      Novels often lose their very real,but difficult to describe on the screen interior motivations.JRR Tolkien did not write the screenplay for THE LORD OF THE RINGS movie trilogy..he wrote a great trio of novels which had as an underlying impulse,a current which sweeps the reader along(and lets his fantasy touch our real world)but which is lost in the screen version of LOTR.
     Plays do not really have that problem and original screenplays c annot have any problem but the worth of their writing as well as the skill of the director and cast.

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