Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the silent era,my favorite films would have to be two from Germany,which,at that time was the most imaginative film-making nation.Well,things were pretty much gone to the dogs over there in all other facets of life,so they (as Americans would in The Depression)clung to their was term Epressionism and ,in its purer forms,I was never attracted to it,but the influence on the two films from that era which I like is undeniable.
The first was NOSFRATEAU which was a rip-off of Brom Stoker’s poorly written by very well-imagined novel DRACULA.The movie departs from the book,actually improving the story,especially in its ending which is more satisfying than the one Stoker devised for his book.
Like the book’s vampire, there is nothing attractive about Max Shreck’s title character. Nor is there a back story or anything remotely sentimental about the monster.he is a selfish,remorseless killer,but he is also super-focused and once he gets our heroine in his sights will stop at nothing to gain her and thereby seal his own destruction. Great moral and,considering Germany’s soon-to-be realized history,quite prophetic. Atmospheric and creepy,this film, which I saw in a bastardized version at about age 10 on TV,was the first horror movie to really give me shivers.
Then there was METROPOLIS,which also was a harbinger of what was soon to pass in The Fatherland. The scenes set in the underground,”Workers’ City” are the best and the Maria robot,especially when she is clothed in flesh(the eyes are amazing), is metal ,also. Oddly enough both the hero and the human Maria are bland,but Rotwang and his metallic creation are the stuff of legend!

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